
Bruxism is the term dentists use to refer to the grinding or clenching of teeth, which people may do for several reasons. Grinding is holding the teeth tightly together, pressing and rubbing them. Clenching is just holding and pressing the teeth firmly. This strains the teeth and can lead to the destruction of any dental work done to the teeth, as well as the teeth itself.

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There are several reasons why you may be grinding or clenching your teeth. That can be stress-related but may also be a sign of a more serious issue such as misalignment of teeth.

Most people they do it unconsciously or when they are sleeping. Some just clench when they are concentrating on something.

Teeth Grinding

Either way, bruxism is not to be taken lightly as it damages not only your teeth, but also everything near them, such as the jaw, face, and head.

Treatment for bruxism can be as simple as using a Night Guard to prevent grinding, which is sent to a lab and built within one to two weeks to be a perfect custom fit for your teeth for comfortable wearing through the night.

Night Mouthguards

Nightguards are custom build hard plastic mouth appliance that snaps over the teeth. Their role is taking in the force of bruxism and safeguarding your teeth from damages caused from grinding and clenching.

There are different over-the -counter mouthguards available in the stores, but there are not as hard as custom made ones and not as comfortable and fitted. Patients continue chewing on them, which in turn can lead to increase the problem.

Night Mouthguards
Sport Mouthguards

Sport Mouthguards

At Lakeshore Dental Center, we always advise our more active patients and athletes to wear a mouthguard when playing to protect themselves from further injury. A hit to the mouth or jaw can result in damaged or lost teeth, which can severely impact your quality of life as chewing, eating, biting and speaking become more difficult. Though mouthguards protect the mouth and teeth, these are not the only benefits they provide as they also decrease impact when taking a hit to the jaw. Further, as it is common for athletes to clench their teeth when playing, a mouthguard also helps relax the jaw and prevent temporomandibular joint syndrome.

At Lakeshore Dental Center, we provide our patients with custom-made mouthguards that are a mould of your teeth made of plastic that has been hardened, providing you with comfort and protection during games. And if you’re still hesitant about getting a mouthguard, it has been shown that mouthguards can enhance an athlete’s performance as you can focus more on the game while your jaw relaxes!